Together, the light beings of planet earth have achieved a “masterpiece”!

a few earth days after the historical, age of aquarius, new-earth, global mass mediation took place on planet earth, the schumann resonance chart which measures the dimensional frequency around the earth, went dark for a period of 35 hours straight!

there was chatter this past week that maybe some schumann resonance equipment had failed or maybe there was some technical difficulty or even worse, the data was hidden from the public by the cabal!

we assure you that none of these scenarios happened and it has been verified by earth alliance leaders that the numerous, large schumann resonance monitoring stations around the world did not have any equipment failures, there were no tech issues, and there was no censored data!

many of these monitoring stations are privately owned and do not have interfering controls and oversight and their equipment recorded the same blackout period last week!

here is earth alliance intel about what transpired during those 35 hours and why there was missing data:

the earth alliance reported after this frequency blackout that, in preparations for the event 2020 final culmination, and as part of operation masterpiece, one earth week ago, light forces bombarded the 3d matrix with several powerful 40-hertz, 5d, central sun, gamma blasts to raise the frequency around the planet and to strengthen the new vtxc (new-earth) light grid!

the duration of this special mission was exactly 35 hours long and was completed with total success!

during that time, the 3d timeline was completely collapsed for 35 hours straight and as it merged onto the 5d timeline!

during this historical new-earth, galactic timeline shift, the frames of time and events on earth were literally reset, further aligning planet earth and it’s beings with the new-earth, vtxc crystalline, diamond light grid

the black, skipped, missing part showing on the schumann chart is a snapshot of this quantum time-line shift! this time-line shift was imprinted on the schumann resonance chart 1-15-20 and 1-16-20 for 35 hours straight and was reflected in the energy grid as a long-duration, blacked-out column!

these shifts are intelligently orchestrated by benevolent star beings working to assist planet earth in it’s next stage of evolution!

these blackout areas in the space-time field are a literal switching off of the universe and back on again! 

these brief timeline shifts are quick, dimensional on and off’s for the purpose of slowly stabilizing the new 5d energy around the planet!

what are the pleiadian mechanics of an earth time-line shift and why does it show up in the energy around planet earth?
a timeline shift is a literal, temporary state where the universe reverts back to a quantum zero time and zero matter state!
the dark matter point detected in the energy of the cosmos ( the black-out section on the schumann graph) shows this “switched off” state!

human level consciousness usually has no awareness or recollection of these time-line shifts, however very-aware beings notice that something shifted and changed and that reality was reset!

if you look very, very close at your reality after one of these resets, material things now exist that never existed before or a thing that you remember existing now, never happened!
it can be a bit perplexing to wrap your mind around this but it is a very real phenomena that billions of people notice!

the mandela effect attempts to illustrate these radical time-line anomalies!

these resets are positive and are required to shift from one dimension up to a faster-vibrating one!

again, this is all being orchestrated by intelligent, benevolent forces who are doing advanced technical work in etheric realms to assist humanity in their grand evolution!

as we said in previous transmissions, the new 5d, gamma timeline is 100% locked into place for the future of this planet and the outcome is known!

the pleiadians have said, “think of these latest missions by light forces as a final bit of maintenance and tweaking of this new system as the new 5d matrix is layered on top of the old 3d matrix!

a pleiadian technical explanation about how the schumann resonance frequencies of earth relate to dimensional states of being(consciousness):
3d frequency = alpha state of consciousness and resonates from 7.8-10 hertz!
4d frequency = beta state of consciousness and resonates from 12-30 hertz!
5d frequency = gamma state of consciousness and resonates from 40-100 hertz!

the schumann resonance level on the chart shows you the current dimension that is possible to attain (in relation to the current ascension that is occurring on earth)

as 2020 moves forward, and after the final event 2020 culmination, the resonance on the surface will begin to stay sustained at 40 hertz on the graph which is happening more and more frequently as we watch the wide white patches on the graph appear on the graph every few days!

the white patches on the schumann chart are a direct measurement of the intense, white magnetic, central sunlight that is penetrating earth’s atmosphere at any moment which correlates to the matching dimensional level of the energy around the earth!

there are 7 more higher states of consciousness that match the rest of the higher dimensions in this universe of 12 levels!
more on that later!

right now we are focused on getting to the 5d level and here is some very simple natural science that shows us the exact frequency we need to raise to, to be able to perceive each of these dimensions!

5d is a long dimension meaning it starts at 4o hertz and goes up to 100 so just like 4d, it gets better and better as you rise up through it!

the pleiadians say “heaven is not a place but a state of being (or state of consciousness?)”

it is the gamma state of being which is called the bliss state of consciousness where both of your brain hemispheres are functioning at the same time!

the schumann resonance chart is the best tool for reflecting intense vibrational activity in the earth’s ionosphere as pleiadian light forces continuing to bombard planet earth with high-frequency, 40-hertz 5d, gamma light data and as we get closer to the grand solar flash near the end of earth year 2020!

dear one, things have shifted and nothing will ever be the same on planet earth!

as you know personally, things are very energetic on every front in the ether, and on the surface at the moment!

the starseeds of earth all feel as though they are about to leap out of their bodies at any second! 

this feeling is due to the recent, rapid increase in frequency around the planet in preparations for the grand event 2020 culmination!

as we move towards the grand event 2020 culmination, higher realms are crashing into 3d with great force and the energetic pressure of this dimensional clash is tremendous, as you can feel it all in your body and your auric field!

the earth alliance reports that this 3d/5d reality merge is the strongest one to-date!

great ones, last week in our grand and historical mass-new-earth-meditation, we achieved a full switched-on (star-seed) collective resonance, energetic, quantum state of 40 hertz, gamma bliss state of consciousness and as part of the light force collective of this cosmos we caused this dimensional shift by our collective focus!

as more beings awake on this planet and as linear times moves forward in 2020, we will see a continuous and more sustained level of at least a 40-hertz resonance around planet earth which will begin to stay in place as the manifested, collective outward 5d reality!

dear one, powerful, cosmic light rays from the central sun, located at the galactic core, are coming into earth on a steady basis now!

the 40-hertz light that was sent to earth just before and after the timeline shift, impacted the earth with un-imaginable power!

this central sun akashic light data hit the earth at speeds well over 1 million mph!

these 40-hertz light rays carry packets of nano-sized magnetic, ionized particles that strip right through the human body genome, clearing out all low-vibrational energies instantly and and recode dna to a higher order!

as the light comes in, the new 5d, crystalline-cell light body is formed and developed and this causes some major disruption to say the least in the auric field, the physical body, the mind and the emotions!

a frequency change of this magnitude is so abrupt it can jar your system quite a bit!

this high-frequency photon light had an intense impact on the starseeds of planet earth and right now strong ascension symptoms are being reported by all around the globe!

here are some reported ascension symptoms from this major time-line shift:

* flu-like symptoms
* waves of nausea
* third eye pressure
* headache
* body aches
* dizziness
* hard to balance
* feeling super tired
* sleep difficulty
* extreme emotions/sadness
* dull headache
* accelerated dehydration
* back/kidney pains
* third eye pressure/sinus aches
* feeling spaced out and disoriented
* missing time
* vivid dreams

many reports among star-seeds this past week mentioned experiencing a mini dark-night-of-the-soul 3d purging cycle and the feeling of leaving old things behind

there is no cause for serious concern, as long as you:

*practice gentle self care
*avoid stress as much as possible
*get some rest/sleep
*and just take it slow and easy until these light codes integrate into the body.

at the same moment, there are also millions of starseed reports of increased natural and super-natural abilities, and faster and more powerful positive manifestations in all areas of life!

this is what happens as you begin to move into the 5th dimensions!

just take it easy dear one and practice self care during this grand shift!

the current ascension symptoms being experienced by the starseeds of earth the are result of the natural dna activation process that is occurring in this cosmos!

know that all is well and as it should be as a great evolutionary changes occurs this grand year on planet earth!

we know that this is all just so intense, magical and surreal and we are here standing beside you in this great time

earth alliance intel and chatter says that during this shift, the largest mass dna activation in history occurred and for the first time, enough energy is available around the earth to trigger the grand solar flash!

the earth alliance is also reporting at this hour that intense pressure was applied to the earth’s magnetic field over the last two earth weeks due to the frequency change on the surface and earth changes are in an escalated state!

the earth is shaking, quaking, erupting, rocking and rolling as this grand shift takes place on the surface!

this is the shift of the ages as the great time of the earth has finally arrived!

earth year 2020 is a time of great change as light has finally taken over the darkness

standby great one as we move into the next phase of the event 2020!

world systems are going to change in profound positive ways over the coming weeks and months!

things are going to shift hard now on the surface as humanity completes its grand spiritual evolution and the new earth dawns!

don’t forget to breathe and hang in there as dimensions continue to merge and as things settle great one!

you shall see magnificent things occur on the surface of planet earth as we move further into 2020!

as the age of aquarius dawns, we are shifting this world back into the paradise it was always meant to be!

excellent work great one!
be very proud of your magnificent achievement!

keep doing your new-earth meditations en-masse, and let us know what ascension symptoms and major life changes you may be experiencing!

thank you for coming to earth and for your great service to all of humanity!

* you can monitor earth’s schumann resonance live on our space weather tools page:

michael and the pleiadians