Micheila Sheldan - June 13, 2017
When we experience 'waves of planetary energy', whether it feels exciting and beautiful or overwhelming and emotional, consider this...
“There are times on your planet in which you feel an amplification of the collective grid. This energetic grid allows information to be activated resulting in the opportunity for a vibrational shift or raise in consciousness.
The loving beings and collectives that support you would never tread on your free will, but they consider grid alignments and activations to be the best resource or tool to assist in your soul’s evolution or awakening to Source consciousness.
When the grids are activated, it is as if you were given an opportunity to see through the eyes of God anything that is operating in your field of awareness.
This is why all humans react differently to these energetic shifts. Sometimes these grid activations are aligned with planetary energies or the universal record, and often times they are activated through the conscious intention of higher dimensional beings.
When this happens, you will feel the close connection or discord from Source energy more dramatically, allowing you to receive what we might call a signal from the universe.
Think of it as a higher speed of frequency or more energy (information) coming to you in a very short period of time.
Some who are adept at traveling through these vibrational shifts will use them to connect pathways of information in the field.
Others perhaps who are struggling in their physical reality will see them as a difficult time in their lives becoming amplified.
Remember, whatever is being experienced in the moment will become prominently energized.
It is a push on a stuck cork in a bottle to become loose and removed. Regardless of your state of being, allow Source energy to flow through you.
Consider that nothing is unchangeable, and that you are supported from within.
We believe that as the collective continues to receive these grid activations, they will rise above karmic experience in their lives with greater ease.
Be not in judgement of each human’s experience in alignment with the grids for it is unique. It is a present moment awareness activation that offers a stronger connection to your Source energy, clearing density and changing your perception.”
The Council of Light"