"You can literally ‘walk’ through time". "t we take our experience of reality as fundamentally true and absolute." It is Not, it is Subjective.

"We are not yet able to give a meaningful definition of reality – whether our own or otherwise – but we can be certain of certain ways we experience reality or realities.

One of the most basic aspects, which in some way can be seen as problematic, is that we take our experience of reality as fundamentally true and absolute. Except in cases where we think we are losing our heads, we do not question our reality and we certainly do not perceive it as being relative – that is, one reality out of an multiple or infinite number of alternatives. 

This is the way we are cognitively wired up and in a way it makes functional and evolutionary sense. We need to make sense of our external environment by having more or less stable patterns of how we perceive reality.

Although it’s OK to appreciate this fact objectively from a detached point of view, the problem is that most of us are subjectively blinkered to believe that what you see is what you get with no questions ever asked.

The Tragedy of Being Locked in One Absolute Reality

The way we perceive our reality is crucial and fundamental to our own living and survival both individually and collectively. Conflict, war and genocides were born out of interpreting the current reality according to one’s ideologies, beliefs and twisted historical facts no matter how irrational or insane they were.

Cultures are separated by different collective interpretations of reality and each one believes without question that their ‘reality’ is true and absolute.  In our modern day world, for instance, we do not often realize how we are living a consensual reality of unconscious consumerist madness. We just feel that’s pretty normal and the way it is…but clearly it is not…it is just a constructed and warped reality in which we were molded.

Moving Forward: From a Flat World to the Multiverse

On a more positive note, there has been a kind of slow historical drift or movement in Science, Philosophy and Culture towards the appreciation that reality is pluralistic. That means that the way we perceive and experience reality can be different for different people, cultures and timelines. 

Beyond this, Science has since the dawn of Quantum physics opened up its doors to the theoretical possibility of parallel Universes or what is often referred to as the Multiverse.

All these conceptual advances are starting to reshape the way we look at the nature of reality. What was unquestionable now becomes a subject of scrutiny and what was taken as absolute is now considered as a matter of degrees. This for me is the advancement of human knowledge.

One can now talk openly about the possibility of parallel realities and parallel timelines without feeling embarrassed or threatened by cynics and bigots…well at least to some extent.

So let us talk clearly and openly – new discussions need to open up and evolve.

There is now some general consensus even in scientific circles such as in Cosmology, Quantum and Theoretical Physics and Astronomy that there are multiple realities – not just different interpretations – but real objective realities that differ from each other either minutely or completely.

Infinite Worlds and Possibilities

The basic idea behind the so-called Multiverse theory, supported by eminent proponents such as Stephen Hawking, Brian Greene, Max Tegmark and Michio Kaku among others, is that there are other Universes outside our own that follow the same laws of physics but have different configurations. This means that there are possibly Universes that have evolved exactly as our own albeit minute details. This means that there could be a Universe where you exist or have existed through the same historical timeline with some minor insignificant variations – such as where you wouldn’t have had small pox when you were a kid or one in which you chose not to sit for a particular exam.

More interestingly is the ‘many worlds interpretation’ in Quantum physics, which in short says that certain observations cannot be predicted in absolute terms since there is a range of possible observations with a different probability and each of these observations corresponds to a different Universe. On a macro level, the implication of this is that every choice, action or interaction you make is a range of possible outcomes that collapse into one in your current timeline. However all the other possible range of choices or actions would have been carried out in a parallel timeline – in a parallel Universe where a Parallel you would experienced a different set of circumstances and carried out different choices.

Connecting the Parallel Lines through Higher Dimensional Consciousness

The big question is now whether these parallel realities and timelines experienced by different versions of yourself are just possible realities out there or are they realities we can connect to, exchange information with and possibly switch from one timeline to another. 

Weird as it may sound, there are people who theorise that we sometimes ‘switch realities’ without knowing because it happens in an instant and the variation is so small that goes unnoticed.

I’m not sure about this point of view but what I am very confident about is the idea that our consciousness may be experiencing multiple timelines at some higher dimension. I do not want to get sidetracked by my ideas about consciousness but in short I subscribe to the point of view that our consciousness is layered over multiple dimensions of reality at the same time although we mostly experience this third dimensional reality.

Some non-ordinary states of consciousness such as those experienced through certain entheogens give you the ability to experience your multidimensional consciousness. 

You access higher dimensional states of yourself transcending beyond time, your limited views of reality and beyond your ordinary sense of self. 

You can access information about your future because at even one higher dimension than our own, there is no unilinear direction of time.

You can literally ‘walk’ through time in the same way you walk through space. At even higher dimensions, it is very possible to ‘walk’ through all possible timelines at once. It is like jumping from one version of yourself to another.

Meeting your Other Selves

I believe that this is why we can sometimes have precognitive dreams or Deja-vu because information from our consciousness at a higher dimensions seeps through our normal waking consciousness or in dreams.

So the question is whether we can access information from a higher dimensional level of our consciousness which is experiencing different timelines of ourselves. In other words, can we ‘meet’ other versions of ourselves and experience or learn alternative possibilities. Think for example of the possibility of seeing how a more entrepreneurial or creative version of yourself behaves. How does she or he think, talk, walk, behave in certain situations. What habits would he or she have? and so on.

Making the Quantum Leap

Interestingly there are people like Burt Goldman who has spent his entire life exploring and teaching others about this possibility through a program called ‘Quantum Jumping‘. He believes that there are certain methods we can use to ‘get in touch’ with alternate versions of ourselves and get inspired to change and to acquire those traits which our parallel self possesses.

Imagine for example meeting the explorer version of yourself or the best-selling book author. What would you learn? What aspects of his or her personality would you like to brush off on you?

Fantastical as it may sound, I do have an inner conviction that there is so much potential to discover about shifting our consciousness and realities we still know little or nothing about. Just look at the way we sometimes get stuck in a flat reality with little possibilities on the horizon. We then make a shift in consciousness  our reality and the way we experience changes completely. 

Our horizons expand and we start seeing opportunities we weren’t seeing before. We get energized and start doing things we never thought possible. This seems like literally quantum jumping to another version of our self.

What makes this shift? 

What makes us jump? How did we bend our reality? 

These questions are definitely important and ones we should keep on asking. Let’s keep on talking about this possibilities and as the saying goes – Give yourself a chance to be yourself….or perhaps other versions of yourself.

Gilbert Ross "
